Reconhecemos e obedecemos totalmente a Sua Santidade S.S. Papa Francisco l Vigário de Cristo na terra, Patriarcado de Roma: Cabeça Espiritual: o Papa (Bispo de Roma, Vigário de Jesus Cristo, o Príncipe do Sucessor dos Apóstolos, Pontífice da Universal Suco da Igreja, Patriarca do Ocidente, Primaz da Itália, Arcebispo e Metropolita da Província Romana, Chefe de Estado da Cidade do Vaticano, Servo dos Servos de Deus).
American Bar Association - Advogado Internacional MEMBER ID: 05668601.
Sob o Registro Federal: 87 - 3436706. www.americanbar.org
Notário Público nos USA - Escrivão Público ID: 954674.
American Society of Notaries
Neurosurgeon www.amsus.org
Fisioterapeuta https://crefito7.gov.br/
Farmaceutico CEF Bahia
Administrador CRA GO
Médico Neurobiomolecular USA
Bacharél em Direito Brasil
Advogado nos USA sob o Registro Federal: 87 - 3436706.
Patrocinador da www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/
Administrador registrado no www.crago.org.br
Fuerzas de Defensa de Israelfacebook.com
Prestamos e total apoio e suporte ao www.mossad.gov.il
Membro da www.amsmilitary.org
Membro da www.justice.org
Membro da www.americanlawyersalliance.org
Membro da worldjurist.org
Friends of the IDF (FIDF)facebook.com
Membro da https://fsai.memberclicks.net/
Membro da
CNPJ: 42.378.137/0001-24.
Registro Federal Nos USA: Document Number: N17000009263. FEI/EIN Number: 81 - 5353074.
Capelão Membro
Membro da https://unausa.org/
Sou membro da www.ipa-usa.org/
Estou cursando Odontologia no 2 periodo na https://vestibular.uninassau.edu.br/
Somos patrocinador do www.socxfbi.org
Somos membros da www.spgo-gov.org/
Mestrado e Doutorado em Medicina Neurobiomolecular pela www.puc-edu.org
Reitor da www.benedictineuniversitygov.org
membro da www.nyas.org
Membro da www.aapl.org
Membro da www.anpaonline.org
Pátrias irmãs sempre unidas e forte!
Research in neuroscience, neuropsychoanalysis, lectures in neuropsychology, scientific research.
Group Coordinator:
Roberto Cohen
Email: dr.zigmundcohen@outlook.com
Address: Av. Dr. Ismerino Soares de Carvalho, N. 595,
Sala 501- Setor Aeroporto. CEP: 74075-040.
Goiânia – GO – Brazil
Meeting Schedule:
Every week.
Somos membros https://uschs.org/
Somos doadores do www.armyemergencyrelief.org
Somos membros vitalício da www.mica-national.org
Somos membros da www.acsh.org
Somos membros do www.emkinstitute.org
We are sponsors and donors of the American Friends of Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. It is impossible to imagine Israel without its Philharmonic Orchestra.– Shimon Peres: Israeli President, Prime Minister & Nobel Prize Laureate American Friends of the Israel Philharmonic OrchestraFor nearly 80 years there has been a strong bond between North America and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. In fact, the IPO would not have come into existence without this vital relationship. In 1936, legendary scientist Albert Einstein hosted one of the first major fundraisers at the Waldorf Astoria, securing the financial support needed to officially form the Orchestra.American Friends of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (AFIPO) was created in 1980 to formalize and broaden this relationship and tradition of giving. From the beginning, the fate of the IPO has rested largely in the hands of its North American supporters. In addition to generating an endowment and increasing the reach of the Orchestra through financial support of national and international tours, AFIPO was also instrumental in developing KeyNote, the educational arm of the IPO. KeyNote programs bring the joy of classical music to over 29,000 children in Israel each year, while promoting tolerance and mutual respect. http://afipo.org/
We are sponsors and supporters of the National Defense Foundation. The NATIONAL DEFENSE FOUNDATION http://usa.nationaldefensefoundation.org/
Damos total suporte a:
We support Israel Security Agency.
Closing out an impressive year of growth, the IAC held the first Israeli-American Community National Conference in Washington DC. During 2014-15 the organization is serving over 150,000 participants through a wide array of programs and events. The IAC continues its outreach efforts with plans to open more regional offices to meet the growing and evolving needs of the estimated 500,000 – 800,000 Israeli-Americans currently living in the United States.www.israeliamerican.org
We give a total support to MDA.
(MDA) is Israel’s ambulance, blood-services, and disaster-relief organization, serving as emergency medical first responders for the state’s 8 million people. MDA is the only organization mandated by the Israeli government to serve in this role, but it’s not a government agency, so it relies on people like you for funding. Through your gift, you’re saving thousands of Israeli lives, including:
We are member sponsor and supporter of United States Armed Forces Association , and the representative of Admir there.
The American Patriot Foundation was formed as a non-partisan, non-profit national foundation with the primary function of educating the American public as to the importance and relevance in today's society of the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and other founding documents.
Dr. Zigmund Ziegler Cohen is a member of the Center for Education Diplomacy, and the representative of Admir there. www.educationdiplomacy.org
Dr. Zigmund Ziegler Roberto Cohen is a member of the Association for Chilhood Education International, and the representative of Admir there. http://portal.acei.org/
Association for Childhood Education International.
Bio: Member of the United Nations Medical Corps Mission Intergovernmental Organization www.unmedicalmission-gov.org. Federal Supreme Court Intergovernmental Organization www.fscij-gov.org USA Army Historical Foundation www.armyhistory.org New York Academy of Sciences, United Nations Association of United States of America. United Nations Association of United Kingdom. American College of Physicians, World Medical Association, American Psychology Association, International Board of Medicine and Surgery, American Medical Medical Corps, Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association www.fleoa.org Catholic Medical Association, Interamerican College of Physicians and Surgeons, International Neuro Psychoanalysis Society, Doctors Academy, American Israeli Medical Association, World Academy of Medicine, Euro Federation of Psychoanalysis, American Council of Higher Education and Accreditation www.achea-gov.org, Missionaries of Charity Secular Franciscan Order www.mccharity.org. President of The College of Neuropsychoanalysis, Registered in Israel and USA www.acmedicine-edu.org Member of the American Pontifical Catholic University, Brazilian Society of Integrative Psychoanalysis, American Psychiatry Association, American Neuropsychiatric Association, President of American College of Neuropsychoanalysis American College of Psychosomatic Medicine, American University, Member of American Academy of Medicine, Registered by Florida Department of State And Washington Department of State, American Psychological Association, Deputy Consul of First Children's Embassy of Republic of Macedonia to Sao Paulo Brazil, Ambassador of the Diplomatic Mission of Peace and Prosperity of Republic of Albania, Ambassador of American Diplomatic Mission of International Relations, Erich Fromm Humanistic Society, Einstein College Brazil, Institute of Humanistic Psychoanalysis in Brazil, American Physician Scientist Association, Erich Fromm International Society in Germany. European Psychiatric Association, European Medical Association, European Academy of Medicine, European Federation of Neurological Society, World Academy of Medical Societies, American Physician Scientists Association, Federation of American Scientists, American China Psychoanalytic Alliance. International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology. American Psychological Association Psychoanalysis Division 39. The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center. United Nations Association of Great Britain. United States Naval Institute. American Association of United Natinos Peacekeeping Forces. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. USA War College Association. American Academy of Psychiatry http://www.aacp.com American Academy of Psychiatry http://www.aapp.org American Academy of Psychiatry http://www.aacp.com American Academy of Psychiatry US Army www.ausa.org Military Chaplains Association of United States of America http://www.mca-usa.org United Nations Mission of International Relations Intergovernmental Organization www.unigovernmental.org American Political Science Association. International Law Association www.ila-hq.org Amnesty International www.amnestyusa.org USA Parliament www.usparliament.org Air Space and Missile Defense Association www.asmda.us National Republican Senatorial Committee www .nrsc.org American Intelligence Agency www.usa-intelligence.org UNESCO Center for Peace www.unescocenterforpeace.org American Air Force Association www.afa.org Arizona Psychoanalytic Society www.arizonapsychoanalyticsociety.com American Military Society www.amsmilitary.org International Police Association American Chapter www.ipaiac.org Brazilian Association of the International Peace Forces of UN www.abfiponu.org.br International Criminal Justice Association www.acjs.org The American Association for Advancement of Science www.aaas.org Association of Certified Background Investigators www.acbi.net Marine Corps Association & Foundation www.mca-marines.org Einstein College www.einstein-edu.org United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs www.esango.un.org Saint Thomas Aquinas University www.stau-edu.org Pontifical Catholic University of America Uniate www.puc-edu.org Expert Psychiatrist member of the National Council of Judicial Experts of the Federative Republic of Brazil CONPEJ www.conpej.org.br American International Commission of Diplomatic Relations and Human Rights www.usadiplomatic-gov.org American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists www.aacp.com World Catholic Medical Mission Intergovernmental Organization www.catholicmedical-gov.org American Diplomatic Mission of International Relations www. usadiplomaticgov.org